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1. «Market Leader» by David Cotton, David Falvey, and Simon Kent — This series of textbooks covers a range of business topics and includes authentic business materials such as case studies, articles, and interviews.
2. «Business Vocabulary in Use» by Bill Mascull — This book focuses specifically on building business vocabulary and includes exercises and activities to help learners practice using the vocabulary in context.
3. «English for Business Communication» by Simon Sweeney — This textbook covers a range of business communication skills such as writing emails, making presentations, and negotiating.
4. «Business Result» by John Hughes and Jon Naunton — This series of textbooks covers a range of business topics and includes case studies, role-plays, and simulations to help learners practice using the language in real-life situations.
5. «International Express» by Liz Taylor and Alastair Lane — This series of textbooks covers a range of business topics and includes authentic business materials such as emails, reports, and presentations. It also includes a focus on intercultural communication skills.